Treating Dental Abscesses In Children

If your child has a dental abscess, you will need to see a pediatric dentist as soon as possible. A dental abscess is a severe tooth infection, and if it's not treated quickly, complications such as a systemic infection may develop. Here are some treatment options your child's pediatric dentist may recommend to treat a dental abscess.  Oral Antibiotics After the dentist cleans out the infected debris inside your child's tooth, he or she may prescribe a course of oral antibiotics, which may be used in conjunction with an antimicrobial mouthwash or simply as a primary standalone treatment.

Braces Care Is Simpler Than You Might Think

If you are about to visit the orthodontist to have braces put on your teeth, you are probably facing mixed emotions. You're excited to be taking a big step towards straighter teeth, but you're a little apprehensive about all the care your braces are going to require in the coming months. But here's the thing: caring for braces is simpler than you might think. If you follow the tips below, you'll soon adapt to these appliances and do a good job of taking care of them.

This Is Why You Should Never Ignore Oral Pain In Your Teens And 20S

Oral pain is usually a bad sign for everyone, but it's often something that can be treated with relative leisure. The same can't be said when you're in your youth, however. If you haven't had your wisdom teeth taken out yet and you're experiencing pain in or near the back of your mouth, it may mean that it's time to change that. Here's what you should know about why the wisdom teeth are causing pain, why it's not a great idea to just leave them alone, and what you can do about it.

A Teeth-Whitening Procedure in Your Dentist Office Provides Safe and Quick Results

If you want the quickest results for whitening your teeth, then having a treatment from your dentist is usually the best option. Your dentist can also supply a custom kit for you to use at home that whitens your teeth gradually, but when fast results are important, then having a laser whitening technique could be best. Here are some things you should know about teeth whitening. Some Stains Respond to Whitening Better

What To Know About Dental Implants

If you are one of the more than 120 million Americans who are missing at least one tooth, there are a variety of tooth replacement options available that could work for your needs. Losing a tooth or multiple teeth can have an impact on more than just your appearance: it can also impact the way you speak and eat. Tooth replacement options such as dental implants can restore your smile. Dental implants are considered to be the most natural tooth replacement option.