What To Know About Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard

Many people make the assumption that harder is better when it comes to brushing their teeth. Unfortunately, this is not the case, since you may be doing more harm than good. Here is what you should know about the pressure you use when brushing your teeth.

The Risk Of Brushing Too Hard

One reason why brushing too hard is a bad idea is because of what it does to a toothbrush with soft bristles. You may not realize that the bristles are going to lay flat against your teeth and gums, rather than scrub against the surface. You essentially will not really be brushing your teeth, since the bristles are not able to scrub the surface of the tooth or get underneath the gum line. While the good news is that you're not really causing damage to your teeth or gums, you're also not getting rid of the plaque either.

If you are using a hard bristle toothbrush, chances are that the bristles are going to be really rough on your gums. This is actually a reason why people suffer from gum recession, which is when the gums pull away from the teeth and leave some pretty big pockets that can trap plaque. The root of the tooth will also become exposed, which causes the teeth to be sensitive to cold temperatures.

In extreme situations, gum recession can even lead to your teeth becoming loose. If you do not have gum tissue pressing up against the teeth, they'll eventually fall out if the gum recession gets bad enough over time.

The Way To Prevent Hard Brushing

There are a few things you can do to prevent the damage from hard brushing. First of all, switch to a soft bristle toothbrush. It is much less likely to damage your teeth if you brush too hard, and the soft bristles are better for your gums. That can be helpful as you are transitioning to softer brushing. You can also hold your toothbrush with a looser grip. If you are resting the toothbrush in your hand, you may not have the strength to put too much pressure on the toothbrush.

You may want to purchase an electric tooth to help with hard brushing. Some electric toothbrushes have a pressure sensor, which causes the toothbrush to notify you if you are brushing too hard. The vibrations may stop momentarily or the brush may beep at you to let you know.

For more information on brushing with the correct pressure, contact a dental office near you.
