Procedures You May Need During A Smile Makeover

A smile makeover involves various dental treatments all geared towards improving the appearance of your mouth, and teeth in particular, so that you can have an improved smile. Here are some of the specific procedures your dentist may perform during a smile makeover:

Teeth Whitening

If aesthetics is one of the reasons you are considering dental reconstruction, you will probably have your teeth whitened if you don't think they're bright enough.  Depending on the dental treatments scheduled, it may be advisable to bleach your teeth before your dental reconstruction. This may be the case, for example, if part of your treatment involves artificial materials in your mouth that cannot be bleached.


Orthodontics are used to straighten misaligned teeth. Living with misaligned teeth is not just a cosmetic issue; it also has far-reaching dental effects. For example, it may increase your risk of periodontal disease, cause jaw pain, and even make it difficult for you to eat or pronounce certain words clearly. There are different types of aligners, such as Invisalign, lingual braces, and regular metallic braces, each with its individual pros and cons. The dentist will advise you on which treatment is right for you.

Crown Lengthening

The crown is the visible part of your tooth; it is the part that sits above your gums and is covered by enamel. Some people have abnormally short crowns which may not be very visible when they smile. If you have such crowns and you don't like the way they look, there are treatment options the dentist can use to lengthen them.  For example, the dentist can remove some of your gum tissues to expose more of your teeth, or place a dental crown over the existing teeth to make them appear taller.

Dental Contouring

You may also have a problem with the shape, length (they are too tall), size, or surface of one or more of your teeth. In this case, the dentist will use dental contouring to remove bits of your enamel. Note that there is a limit as to how much enamel can be stripped away, because removing too much enamel may weaken your teeth and make them hypersensitive and susceptible to bacterial or acidic attacks.

Dental Bonding

Lastly, the dentist may also have to close gaps between your teeth if they are too visible. The most suitable treatment for this is dental bonding, where the dentist applies a suitable material to your natural teeth to build them up and close the spaces. Contact professionals like Cross Creek Family Dental for more information.
