You know that brushing and flossing are important, but how often should you do this? Is once a day enough, or are there benefits to doing these things more often? Surely you can brush too often. Here's a look at the recommendations for brushing teeth to promote good oral hygiene.
It's Not Quantity, but Quality That Matters
Tufts Journal points out that there's no scientific evidence to show that brushing more than once a day is better for you. It's the efficiency and quality of the brushing that help fight against tooth decay.
Tooth decay happens due to bacteria collecting in the mouth. It will take 48 hours for the bacteria to form, so brushing just the once should be enough to remove the acids that lead to the bacteria growth. You will need to make sure you brush the right way to remove all the acids in the gumline and that you floss to get the bacteria out from between your teeth.
Brushing Two to Three Times a Day
It is recommended that you brush two to three times a day, after your meals. However, you should give your mouth time to produce saliva to remove some of the acids so you don't spread them all around your mouth and increase your risk of tooth decay.
When you do brush, you need to use a soft-bristled toothbrush that has rounded edges. Over time, the rounded edges will wear away, and your toothbrush will feel jagged and painful when it hits the gums. If you continue brushing with the toothbrush at that point, then instead of protecting your teeth, you will run the risk of damaging your gums.
Benefits of Brushing More Than Once a Day
Every time you eat, biofilm will form on the teeth. This gives a layer for bacteria to grow and hide under. If you don't brush it off, another layer of biofilm will form, and you get another layer. While most bacteria take 48 hours to form, there are some earlier colonizers.
Brushing more than once a day helps to reduce the amount of biofilm that forms. The gums are protected from the earlier-forming bacteria, and the mouth is less likely to develop bad breath.
When you brush, you'll also get rid of the particles that stain the teeth and can cause some sensitivity problems. It is also possible to remove food from between the teeth before it can cause pressure and discomfort.
Brushing your teeth once a day isn't enough for everyone. While there are dentists who believe it can be enough, there are more benefits to brushing two to three times a day. Talk to a cosmetic dentistry in your area for recommendations on what kind of brushing schedule will likely make your smile look its best.