3 Signs Your Dentures Don't Fit Properly And Why You Should Get The Problem Resolved Quickly

You've probably heard the saying,"If the shoe fits, wear it!" Well, what about dentures? What happens if your false teeth don't feel quite right?

Older adults may not want to complain or cause a fuss, but if their dentures are not fitting properly, the issue should be corrected immediately. Ill-fitting dentures can make it difficult to eat properly, and nutritional deficits can result. Here are the tell-tale signs of an improper denture fit as well as why you should get the problem solved immediately:

Pain and Irritation

It is very easy for some people to feel pain and discomfort in their mouths and just ascribe it to dental sensitivity. However, if you wear dentures, be sure to approach your pain and irritation with seriousness, because it could be a sign that your dentures are not properly sized for your mouth. You should not be experiencing discomfort along your gum line or dental arch when you wear your dentures.

Losing Your Teeth

Do your dentures slip out of your mouth? Dentures that regularly fall out are likely not the right size for you. If you can't eat, drink, or even speak without your dentures loosening or flat-out falling out, there is a problem with the fit. Some patients use dental adhesive to assist with the fit of their dentures, but a properly fitted denture should remain in place from the natural suction of your mouth.

Soreness and Inflammation

A more uncomfortable symptom of ill-fitting false teeth is inflammation, which can lead to stomatitis or an infection of the mouth. You may notice redness, swollen gums or even the development of bumps or canker sores. Ignoring the symptoms can simply lead to greater inflammation, so it is best to have the dentures checked as soon as possible.

While it may seem as though a loose denture is just a minor irritation and not a cause for alarm, the truth is that it could lead to greater issues down the line, as the pain and irritation increases. A poor fit may affect your ability to eat a balanced diet. In addition, you could incur damage to your gums and other soft tissues of the mouth. You may even develop an oral infection.

If your current dentures aren't fitting properly, schedule a consultation with a dentist in your area. He or she may be able to adjust your current appliance or refit you for a new set.  
